The Wild Ones.

I'm graduating real soon. One month? Two?

One thing I would really miss would be The Wild Ones. Or the UK Ladies. Or the Sisterhood. Whatever. This group of ladies whom I met in class less than a year ago.

I would't say we are sworn sisters BFF or anything. But I must say that I am very comfortable around them.

Seeing them each day every day while we were in The UK was quite something.
You get to see that side of a person you didn't get to see before. And we kinda survived(?) that two months.
Traveled together, did work together, celebrated birthdays..

First time ever going to a club *gasp* experience in UK was with them as well!

People whom I can really be myself around.. Lunch together, doing work together, gossiping together, inner jokes Watermelon juice, Sailor Moon, Fel's video making, the Kinky and Cheesy magazine, tower guy, that lecturer's wife outfit, momo chan, Monica, etc etc..

God is too kind to give these school ladies to me. Made school and UK so fun!

I don't know if we'll still meet each other as often once we've graduated.

Either way, I'm sure I'll miss them.

To introduce you.

Left - right.

Zie - The momma. Don't ask me why, she's got the vibe. The word "anything" should be copyrighted by her.
Jess - The simple lady with complicated love rectangle (no more triangle). Not to mention the wildest among the wild ones! And she has long skinny legs!
Huyen - That lecturer's wife, cos she always rolls up that pants of hers. And she's suspected to be kinkier than Feli.
Me - The Cheesy magazine Editor in Chief.
Feli - The Kinky magazine Editor in Chief. The most likely to own a studded bra among us. And she's been missing. Please call Terence if you find her!!!!

Celebrating Huyen's bday!


Consolation Price. Not bad ah!

In class.

Lots of laugh!

Now, please.

Unknown said...

so much memories Kim! I'm sure one day when i look back at these i would die to be able to get back to school and do crazy things, laugh at crazy jokes. Cheers to our friendship! Now get back to work!

Unknown said...

Or we can always work together and continue going nuts hahhaaha!