"Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me."
Psalm 103:2

Lets list today's!

1. I actually woke up at 10. That's really something.
2. Saw the cover of the latest Hillsong album. I know this doesn't really classify as a "good thing", but it really did make me happy and excited.
3. Wanted to had lunch at the green thai restaurant, and it was full. The waitress actually already started setting up a very small table that obviously wont fit us 4 person. Then, suddenly this group of 4 people stood up and left cos they finished eating. Talk about right time right happening!
4. Ate Ice Cream. This is a must to be included.
5. Actually did some work. Might seem that it's me doing the action, but trust me, I know myself. Lately I've been so sick of my schoolwork and it has been very hard for me to get motivated. So thank God for even the desire to do some schoolwork!
6. Found a spot with a plug at Coffee Bean 313. We've been searching around and it's HARD to find a cafe with plugs and Wifi.
7. The fact that I have friends comfortable enough for me to hang with, be it school or church. So precious.
8. Actually teared during TLG Movie practice!! Though it's pretty much inexistant cos it didn't even drop, there was definitely more amount of water in my eyes that I needed to wipe it off.
9. Bought bubble tea!
10. Iphone battery lasted the whole day.
11. Ate all 3 meals a day.
12. Mac didn't die.
13. Perfectly healthy. You know, as tiny as a blocked blood vessel can cause fatal damage. So the fact that all parts of your extremely complicated body is working fine as a whole is a blessing in itself.
14. Cliche, but true: A comfy bed to sleep, with a working aircon and internet.
15. Made it through the day: No accident, no food poisoning, no nothing. Anything could go wrong, ask a paranoid person. In fact, what you think is "normal", takes a whole lot of God intervention. 
I'm sure there's a ton more that I didn't even notice. Point is, God is good and there will always be stuff to thank God about. If nothing, thank Him anyway. The cross is enough reason.

Good night!