
Was just arranging my posts. Turns out Blogger has this thing called "Label", which was somehow workable into creating this post-categorizing thing.

Which kinda helps I guess.. It separates my posts for my readers. My faithful (plus minus sign) 30 readers who somehow kept reading the posts I did not share. Thank you so much!

I haven't been writing a lot since I started working. But the passion is coming back, so I do hope I'll be writing more. There's a lot of stuff in my head.

It seems that my life is starting to stir up.

I got my first freelance job as an Illustrator just out of nowhere (thanks Vina!) and I really enjoyed it!

Working on my website, which sadly still has no content in it since I haven't been drawing much for 4 years.

Planning to join this award thing with my friends. Hope that works out.

That door seems to be creaking open just a bit.

And no romance whatsoever.

Now, I really really want a caucasian partner. If I do not manage to get one, I think I'll be wondering for the rest of my life how dating a caucasian would be like. So Daddy please PLEASE, make my other half a caucasian. Either that or Jeremy Lin (yes still in deep love with him).

So good night good people! See you!


Is there any way to improve the design of Blogger? Cos honestly it sucks, which is a little disappointing knowing that Google backs this platform up.

If there isn't, I am seriously considering of moving to Wordpress :/