day 4 - your most significant childhood memory

i dont think i have a memory that sticks strong, my childhood memories are like, all blurry.

I do remember things happen.. There are no certain memory that stands out though..

day 3 - your thoughts on religion

Religion doesn’t matter so much.
Who you worship does.

We can be of any religion, and still worship our money. our lover. our education. idols. et cetera..

Religion cant guarantee anything. it doesn’t guarantee salvation.

Jesus does.

day 2 - your thoughts on death

some things i didnt (note that it’s not a present tense) like about dying.

i would not be able to meet my loved ones.

i would not be able to enjoy the world anymore.

i didnt know where i was going.

Those thoughts has changed now.

The moment i close my eyes to die, i imagine it like a blink of an eye. And when i open back my eyes, i am somewhere else.

And I know where I’m going since Jesus saved me, and I accepted His salvation.

I know when I die, I’ll finally meet Him. I somehow can’t wait!

Doesnt mean I want to die now though. lol! I havent achieved anything in life, I havent done enough.

I don’t think much about death. I just know i’m saved :)

day 1 - your favorite picture of yourself and one interesting fact for every year you’ve been alive

this is my fave pic so far :D

0 i was born?

1 i started walking i think

2 changed nannies a lot of time. was so naughty.

3 had the very first dream i remember until now

4 started school in an international school. my english sucked that time. i learnt english there

5 i love sailormoon.

6 had my first crush. His name is Richard Abadilla and he’s from the Philippines lol

7 this year i was the flower girl for tons of weddings! I enjoyed getting dressed and get made up :)

8 my little baby brother was born. I waited 8 years for him :) and i remember i peed on my pants at school.

9 i remember i felt popular. lol! that was cute

10 my petra school mates would remember ET! lol that bizarre fifth grade teacher!

11 i was so excited about going to junior high school! i kinda had my first groupie this year.

12 had a huge crush on my senior. he’s the captain of the basketball team :D

13 the first time a boy confessed his feelings for me. I officially felt like a teenager

14 senior year. got good grades :)

15 Joined DOP. One of the happiest times of my life :) that bunch of crazy people!!

16 had my first real relationship.

17 accepted Jesus! This really was a turning point in my life, everything literally changed :)

18 moved to Singapore!

19 recent year. moved to bethany singapore :)

q u o t i d i e n n e: as if i need any help wasting time. hahaaa day 1- your favorite...

q u o t i d i e n n e: as if i need any help wasting time. hahaaa day 1 - your favorite...

as if i need any help wasting time. hahaaa

day 1 - your favorite picture of yourself and one interesting fact for every year you’ve been alive
day 2 - your thoughts on death
day 3 - your thoughts on religion
day 4 - your most significant childhood memory
day 5 - discuss your feelings on the…

i’ll dooo it!