I first saw Jeremy Lin here. Back then he wasn't as famous yet. At least not for me. 

Then suddenly there was this huge fuss about him scoring 38 points when competing against the Lakers. (video) I'm not a hard core basketball fan but I know the Lakers are pretty famous. He became super famous in a night! My dear friend Ghon changed his BB profpic to Lin's picture. I hear the word "Linsanity" a lot lately across the net. Heart throb.

But what makes me REALLY fell in love was this. (you guys would probably know what it is about without opening it.)


1. He loves Jesus! *admiration lv 1.*

2. He gives all glory to the Lord and stays humble :) He's not ashamed of our Lord! *Lv 2*

3. He's not the 'at your face' type regarding his faith. Which from the article, his fellow non believers appreciate :) *Lv3*


Then, I saw this video on youtube. It was about his testimony.

Jeremy Lin's Testimony [Part 1]

Jeremy Lin's Testimony [Part 2]

4. He's unashamed to admit his low points. That even though he's a devoted Christian, he fell here and there. Shows that we are still imperfect human beings, yet with a perfect God! *Lv 5*

I kinda totally get what he's talking about. He loved basketball, I loved design. He entered NBA, I came to NAFA and joined Phunk's apprenticeship. And there was a point in both our lives (if not all mankind's lives) that what we used to enjoy a lot became so stressful that we lost the enjoyment. There's a point a few months back where I just want to quit everything related to design. I wasn't even sure if I'm gifted at all. I would just sleep all day, running away from 'living' the day.

I'm so glad that i'm not alone. And the one who really made me realize this was this Jeremy Lin. It's not that I don't know other people experience this kind of stress as well. Friends and families has comforted me times and times again.

Yet, when I heard his testimony, it pierced through my heart more then ever. Hit me harder then ever. And I realize I'm not alone more then ever. Weird.

(Shows that your testimonies does matter.)

5. He's good looking, tall, and plays basketball! ^-^ *Lv 6* (I've always got a thing for guys who plays basketball. This doesn't happen for other sports.)