an old pic. 

He’s just so kind. i know this is nothing compared to His real smile :)


being alone in your room sometimes makes you think about stuff.

sometimes i think of my future boyfriend slash husband. i know he’s somewhere out there and i’m pretty sure i havent met him yet. what is he doing now? how does he look like?

i am a romantic.

sometimes i remember how far i’ve gone from who i used to be. and i know i’m still on a journey, i havent reached my destination. characters being changed and molded, lessons about maturity.. i’m glad i met Jesus at the age of 17. the perfect time, the perfect age, not the most extravagant moment, but perfect. 

sometimes i wonder, wouldnt life be much easier if i had met You earlier? i wouldnt have to go through what i’ve gone through. i wouldve had a different mindset. i wouldve had someone to run to. i wouldve known that i am not in all this alone. But then, having gone through all that makes me treasure You, and what I have now. So, I dont mind.

plans for tonight: pray, read purpose driven life to sleep. if i dont fall asleep, then i’ll read another book.

for a certain someone who kept saying i’ve changed, left my nerdiness behind (and became a wild girl. >.>), i havent ok. red hair doesnt mean anything, and pictures don’t determine who i am. and when are you giving me ice cream again? hahaha

selamat malam!

Hey Lord,

i don’t only love You,

i like You :)


my other blog, dots, is for all my artworks and all related to that.

this will be my personal blog. my thoughts, my likes and dislikes, experiences, and everything else.

so here i am. being honest.

Give me


Changing the design again and again. What on earth do you want?


happy new year all!

i am looking forward to 2011. i know it will be a good year. i know i will grow mentally, spiritually, and *i hope* physically (i still hope i grow taller. 170 baby!! haha)

so see you this year!!

i’ve attempted to write a blog quite a few times but it always fail. since i’m not that type of person, who has that kind of discipline to write everyday. so we’ll see how this goes.
