Life Update per 16 Aug.

Today was really a fruitful day at school!

I actually wasn't late (well cos I thought the class started at 12 when it's actually at 12.30), and I did real research in class. Did consultation with my lecturer, and found a few insights. Thanks Daddy!

And this particular lecturer of mine, he's old and experienced in life, and I actually think he's a smart guy. And he's passionate in teaching.

Which makes me feel AWFUL cos I can't concentrate for long listening to him talking. I've tried my hardest! But really, nothing he says registers in my mind. I think his way of teaching is just old fashioned. But when you talk to him one on one, he's bright and helpful! Argh. I do not hate him. In fact, I like him personally, just not his way of teaching. And I feel like it is such a waste when I sit there for 2 hours, trying to listen to him (and finally giving up) and registering nothing into my mind.

By the way, do you know that you can slow time down? Or more accurately, slow your perception of time down. There are biological theories to perceptual theories, pretty cool huh!

After class, me and my FA went to watch Brave for FA outing. Damn the graphics are nice, especially Merida's hair. I love watching just how her hair moves!

Merida (

Watching this kind of movie inspires me to just draw and create characters. Well that's what I love to do really. Creating new characters and new worlds. Cool characters inspires.

And I bought a deck of Monopoly Deal for myself so when in need, just play!

So! Gonna rest now. Bye!