Day 06 - Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.

Erm... I don't know how you would really classify something into interesting.. But I hope these are interesting enough!
  1. Am playing Monopoly Deal with Bryan and Aiko now.
  2. Though I study design, I am always fascinated with science. Especially Biology. I love Biology in highschool! And now, am also fascinated with stuff outer space. As you can see in this post.
  3. I have a very long torso. I am taller than most guys while sitting down.
  4. I have an extreme pear bosy type. Small waist, bigger bottom half.
  5. Still believing for a miracle that somehow my legs would grow longer and slimmer, and my torso would grow shorter.
  6. I like watching cooking shows. I like Jamie Oliver, Nigella.. And now, my favorite youtube cook right now is Laura Vitale. But I can't cook.
  7. I like following celebrity gossips.
  8. I can't really talk to guys I find handsome. It takes time. A long time.
  9. I don't really know what I want to be in the future.
  10. I can't sleep earlier than 2 am. If I do, means I'm too tired.
  11. I can't stand drama queens. An exception for Aiko. She's one heck of a drama queen but I still love her. Still, no overreacting around me please.
  12. When I like someone (either a real person or a manga character), I would kind of create our own storyline in my head and get so immersed in it. Usually at night before sleep.
  13. I would love to get a tattoo someday! A black and white one.
  14. Favorite Youtube channel: Clothes Encounters.
  15. Favorite apostle: John
  16. Favorite band: Hillsong hands down.
  17. Would love to own a Dr. Martens boots.
  18. Having my convocation later. Honestly, not that excited :/ I don't know why.
  19. I can't stand cold weather. It hurts my nose to breathe cold air. And my hands turns cold easily in the movies.
  20. I read a lot of mangas. And I read shonen mangas. Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Deathnote, Flame of Recca, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Shaman King.. The list goes on. I'm a tomboy!
  21. I get emotionally attached to the mangas I read.
  22. Potential Running Man Boyfriend: Gwangsoo. Gary is the second choice. Jong Kook's face is not bad, but he reminds me too much of my dad. HaHa and Joong Ki is a big no no. And the rest are just too old and taken. I dont like flower boys as a boyfriend. I think I'm fiercer than them.
  23. Potential One Piece Boyfriend: Zoro.
  24. Real life dream boyfriend: Jeremy Lin.
  25. Likes cheap stuff. I think my mind is programmed that way already. Even if I have a million dollars, I would still go to F21 rather than LV. The only thing that I think is worth investing are shoes. Still, my shoes are relatively cheap.
  26. Loves Daiso.
  27. Doesn't like online shopping (yet). Doesn't like the wait.
  28. Finds acting interesting. And likes stalking people on facebook and twitter. Watch out.
  29. Plans to take vocal lessons at Believers Music soon. Be a better singer for God and YRC!
  30. Am an alien.