twentee fifteen so far.

It's been one month into 2015 and the year has presented itself very interesting. If there is one thing it is not, it's boring.

Every January of the first 21 years of my life would most probably be spent in the nursery and in school, which I practically have no memory about.
Last January was spent working. Blah.

So this January was my first January as a self employed being, which grants life to express itself in its full swing. And it has. And I know all the credit goes to God.

People come and go like.. *thinking for an expression* if my life is a public toilet. They are just stepping in and out. A bunch of people rushed in, and another bunch left. Not saying that you use public toilets in a group, but you get me.

Work comes in like.. *thinking again* ..poo. Sometimes it comes in small drips, yet at other times it was a diarrhoea of things to do.

Church started with a bang. I actually missed FA after like one month without it, which is a good feeling to have. I think we're supposed to feel that way about cellgroups. How rad is that! And our youth ministry just relaunched (read: rebranded) itself. EXCITING RIGHT.

I'm basically on a roller coaster. You never know when the next turn will be, or how steep the drop will be, or when you'll get flung upwards. And this is the kind of life I love! A lot of new revelations with God, which I should probably share right. Stay motivated, Kim.

It's okay. 2015 is awesomeness. Jesus owns it, how can it be otherwise? :)