Day 04 - Your views on religion.

Have answered this before here and the answer pretty much remains the same.

Given the question, here's what I believe.

Basically all religions are aiming for one thing: Going to heaven after you die. The means to get there is what differentiates them.

I believe all human has sinned, and our bestest effort still wouldn't cut it, since heaven is a 100% holy place, where God dwells. So, even a speck of sin wouldn't cut it.

That's why, we need other means to get to heaven, since our efforts will never be enough. And that is through the only Human who has never sinned, which is God Himself in flesh, Jesus.

Since He who is sinless was punished for all our sins, therefore we receive His righteousness.

"For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." - 2 Corinthians 5:21

This is the only way that made sense for me. That there's an exchange, my sin upon Him and His righteousness upon me. And the coolest part is, when He died, carrying all my sins, it didn't just end there. He actually defeated death, which is the wage of sin, and rose again! So all in all, He won, and I am found in Him :D

And the salvation package comes with a lot of bonuses. Not only that we get to go to heaven when we die, but here right now on earth, we get to receive all His blessings and promises! We are able to feel His presence here on earth, we are able to receive His favor, and the list of His goodness goes on.

What a good God!

Again, this is what I believe and experience, and am not forcing anyone to believe what I do.

So, TTYL! :D