Day 14 - Your earliest memory.

Most of them are about my mom.

When I was a kid, we would ride 'becak's (pedicab, red.) to Pasar Atum. The name means a market named 'Atum', but really it's just a very old shopping centre. Very retro.


I love the experience riding the becak with my mom. I was still a tender child, absorbing everything. I like the openness, how I'm in direct contact with the air outside. I love the wind blowing, as cliche as it sounds. I love the smell of the thing. And when it rains, and they cover the front part with this plastic layer, such protection it gives! Or sometimes my mom would just use our own umbrella to protect us.. It's the safest place to be. With my mom and the mighty umbrella.

Pasar Atum has this spiral parking lot thing, and we used to 'climb' it together.

I love the experience as well. I have no idea why. And the earliest dream I remember of ever having had something to do with this. It was raining, and me and my mom were running for shelter towards this spiral thing. I was so excited of the idea of 'climb'ing this thing, that I tripped. And in my dream, my mom was ahead of me, but she didn't come and help. She was just there, waving her hand, asking me to quickly stand up. I can only see her silhouette against the light coming from the parking garage. I think I woke up crying.

And me and my mom likes to play this catch game. I would jump from the bed, and she would catch me. She would tell me to trust her, and be brave enough to jump. The first time was scary, but then I got addicted to the thrill and loved it. I would spend hours doing this, jumping to my mom's embrace from my imaginary deadly cliff aka my bed. Shows the early stages of me turning out to be this adrenaline junkie.

Thinking about her heats up my eye. I'm almost teary. Thinking about it now, I can see how she loved me. What we did can be documented and make a very touching biography. She's a very homey person, and she spends A LOT of time with me. Something a lot of parents nowadays lack doing. I think we would've been very close if she's here now.

Now I miss her a lot. Blame today's question man.

Oh, and I've been beaten by my dad as far as I can remember. So I think it's one of my earliest memories too.

Man, this post brings such an emo vibe..

But all is well now. I met Jesus, my stepmom is great, and my dad has stopped beating me. All is well.

So good night!
Petrus DHS said...

so touching.. Thank God you have Him :)
be strong, gurl!
btw, yesterday I did post a lot of comments at your posts..
But somehow it's not there now, and... time can't be played back I guess :(

Unknown said...

hmm rasae ga sengaja kedelete deh ko.. hahhaha thanks btw