The Silvertip Grizzly.

This is the Silvertip Grizzly.
Another illustration piece for my project.

So why put this guy here?

I'll answer the question above beginning with a bloodhound.

A bloodhound knows who walked down the street last night at 11PM, what the soles of their shoes were made of, to the brand of cigarette they were smoking. It has the ability to follow a scent trail left several days in the past. Under optimal conditions, a bloodhound can even smell a single cell!

The number of olfactory receptor cells are 4 billion in a bloodhound. Us humans have an embarrassing 5 million. They are trained by the police. Probably the ones you see on TV.

Cool, huh?

Well, the sense of smell of a Silvertip Grizzly is SEVEN times stronger than that of a bloodhound.

It can smell your fear.

Here's an article from
You see, silvertips can smell your fear, just like any other scary-ass predator. But unlike most predators, they can smell your fear over distances measured in double digits. In miles. These bears can smell a carcass from 18 miles away. When a silvertip enters a clearing, you're screwed even if you left 48 hours before. And if you're still there, all that sweating, pissing yourself and crapping your pants while you ran away will be laying down a neon-colored trail for the bear to follow until you get tired.

So, the Silvertip Grizzly holds the title of the animal with the best sense of smell.

The universe is awesome.
I'm really getting smarter from all these researches.