
It’s one of the most historical dates and i spent the whole day on bed. asleep. 

Thank goodness on 11.11 pm i wasnt still on bed. was with my FA :) Wouldnt want to spend that second anywhere else in Singapore. 

So, happy 11.11.11!!


You know, in one point of your life, or maybe a few points, you will find something is just not worth it. I mean really find it. And that moment, you don’t have to force yourself anymore. Your feelings will flow naturally finding it not worth it, and you can let go.

Like a prayer being answered. It feels good.

And yes, if you’re guessing, I felt that way recently. It was just like that. Snap, and it’s gone and I’m happy. And thank God I listened to my dear Ghon. Did what she told me to do, and the whole situation of that thing that i did opened my eyes. The whole situation makes sense.

So, yeah. To “it”: a big fat BYEBYE. I deserve better.


I once had a leader. Her name is Linda, I call her Ce Linda. I cannot not mention her in my walk with Jesus. She was a huge part of it. She was at the very beginning of it. She prayed for me for my first prayer of speaking in tongues. She was the one my dad wanted to hunt down (weird. Who is against his daughter repenting when he himself is a believer? But Thank God not anymore.) She was the one I called in the middle of the night when things go bad. She made me feel loved. She literally was a channel of God’s love. I loved her like my own sister. Noone I’ve ever met uptil now is as lembut as her. It’s almost impossible to imagine her angry.

Now she’s getting married. Her future husband better take care of her man. He gets to see her everyday and I get to miss her as she leaves.

It’s really sad that I can’t contact you like I used to. I seriously miss you. I can’t be there at your wedding. *silent moment*

Anyway, please HAVE A HAPPY LIFE!! In Christ, you deserve it :) You were such a bright light to me and many others, and I know you will continue to be one. Remember, you are a princess of God, her beloved favorite daughter, fully redeemed, overpaid by our Daddy Jesus :) Remember that you are loved, by God and by us. I hope I will meet you again!

Here she is:

we were having a barbecue that night with anak2 Remasa. I was so happy :D my first ever family in Christ. And people kept saying we look alike. I was very very happy everytime I hear that :D

I know she’s human and imperfect. But seriously, as a leader for the period she was “officially” my leader, she has NEVER disappointed me. Even if she has, there’s none that I can remember now. Again, she’s not perfect. Maybe if we stayed together for a bit longer, she might have. But reality is she has never. Just sayin.

I have amazing leaders now. Amazing. In lots of different ways. But she was the pioneer, the first. She has a certain place in my heart allocated to her.

I thank God for sending you. He knows just what type of person who could handle me at my early stage of repentance. You are such a special person. I can keep going on talking about you and thanking God for having you in my life :) Have a happy marriage ce!!! See you soon :D