Day 19 - Disrespecting your parents.

How am I supposed to talk about this?

Haiyah. I'm not the chim deep type that thinks about these kind of stuff. But lets give it a try.

Why would children be disrespectful?
I don't know. Wrong bringing up? Culture? Parents had no charisma? Media?

Are there parents to be blamed?
I guess so, more or less. Maybe not blame lah, but I believe parents carry a major influence in the person their child grow up to be. They plant the earliest values and principals of life. So if your children didn't turn out how you wanted them to be, I do believe you are part of the reason, in varying degrees. But sometimes parents are just clueless about parenting, so it is very understandable. Love them too much they become spoiled. Be too strict they hate you. Best is ask God for wisdom lah.

What are forms of disrespect?
It ranges. From not greeting when meeting to calling them names to probably killing them?

Do I disrespect my parents?
I would like to think I don't.

Did I ever disrespect my parents?
Yes, they claim, according to my memory.

Not greeting them. Calling them names. (Let me explain. I  called my mom "jie" jokingly and she got so mad. And I called my dad "gorilla", "hulk", "king kong" and all other type of huge creatures in front of everyone except him. In my defense, he scolded and beat me a lot and therefore I really disliked him back then. And I was a kid.) But no, I didn't kill them.

Should children respect their parents?

Greet them, don't call them names, and don't kill them. Hahaha!
But okay. I think different people show their respect differently. But generally, in parents context, I think respect comes naturally out of love. So, I don't know. Give them what they deserve, put them in their position: As someone who brought you into this world, and sacrificed a lot of things to bring you up. Give them money when you have your earning. Spend time with them. Don't be ashamed of them. I don't know.

Anyway. Point is. Respect your parents. Don't fear them, respect them. What's the difference? Think for yourself!

Good night!