life per 060511

ISP is finally over!! I’m so happy!! Now trying to get an internship..

Lots are happening in this current period of my life.

I’m turning 20 in less then 72 hours. Man! Daddy, your baby is a big girl! Another year and usia siap nikah already le.. hahhaa!

Musical is happening later this year. I love my character!! I’ve only known her for a while now but I’m already learning things from her. Mostly about not taking yourself too seriously.. I know this is the opposite of what people have been saying, but at certain times I know I just have to let loose and just enjoy this life of God given freedom! Sometimes I forget.

Also, from this musical I got to know a few more ppl from church, like my twin brother Dodo, Ncep (his acting is real good!) and ce Ita (who gave relationship advices in our first ever walk together to the mrt stn. COOL!) and lots of others. I really need to let go and LEBAY myself away. Something new, something exciting!

Bible camp is also happening in less then a month!! I know it’s gonna be exciting!! Special things usually happen in retreats. O God I pray You work amazingly. I want my life to be changed. again! I’ll probably be more hyped up closer to the date.

Internship. God, help. Again.

Apprenticeship. This one I’m really thankful to God!! Ppl in my FA should know since they are the live followers, from when I was praying I would get through and yesterday where we had our first session. I’m being mentored by supergreat design people. What an opportunity! What a privilege! What favor! :)

FA multiplying!! I see this as a fulfillment of God’s promise to FA Anda. I love FA Anda. They’re my family in Singapore! To multiply (or split to be more literal).. In a sense I’m happy. I am seeing the fulfillment of God’s promise! And if this is meant to be, I know God has something superduper in store for us!

There is a tiny bit of sadness. I for sure will miss miss FA Anda. In a year since joining YRC and FA Anda, I learnt a LOT of stuff. I learnt about what grace really is, the meaning and power of the blood of Christ, how God is literally near.. I feel that I’ve grown. All credit goes back to God. I know I’m going to learn and grow MORE from now on. Not by the strength, wisdom, power, might, friendliness, etc of our new and upcoming ‘mami’s, ‘papi’s, and children, but by Jesus’!!


Something God has been teaching me about lately is inferiority. No details, but it’s a long hard process. Yet in the end, it always comes back to Him, relying in Him. “I can’t, but You can!!”

