UP isn’t my first bible camp. But it was one of the bible camps which gives a deep impression in my heart. And I believe it’s not only me, cos last night I had a long touching chat with a few members of my FA, and I can say most of them are deeply touched as well. The most unexpected things came from the most unexpected peoples. I would’ve never guessed that they feel what they felt at all. It’s super touching!
Then I wondered, why? Technically, the programs are pretty general for me. Almost the same as any other bible camps. Why is this one so different? Why is the impact so huge? (Well this is my personal opinion. But I do believe I’m not alone. I spent quite some time yesterday scrolling down my FB live feed, and the statuses I read are pretty amazing. Some very pumped up, some very touching, all sorts of statuses but basically stating the same thing. The bible camp left quite an impression. They are blessed.)
I asked God why, and immediately I was reminded of something. And it was the fasting week before the bible camp. I learn that there’s a connection between the two. I believe the prayers and fasts did not go to waste. I know ‘praying and fasting’ are mentioned in the bible quite a few times. Even our Lord Himself did it! Means, there is really something about praying and fasting. If not, He wouldn’t have done it because basically all that Jesus does is an example for us to follow.
I don’t know much yet, but one thing I’m sure of is that that praying and fasting week didn’t go to waste (repeating myself). Both for the ones who are doing it and the things being prayed and fasted for. God is so kind, isn’t He? Everything He tells us to do, it will bring benefits to us whose doing it too. Amazing :)
Short post, but just sharing my thoughts while it’s hot. Nite! :D
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