Towards Freedom.

I haven't been posting for quite some time now. Reason being I am super busy!!

Assessment is just around the corner. And just before we head back to Singapore, my lecturer in UK asked me to change my direction of the project. So I kinda have to redo my whole thing. Within less than a week.

I am free to not do it though, it was just a suggestion. But it's sad that I also didn't like my work at that point. So that day I canceled my planned trip to Birmingham that day, and sat at the library deciding what I would do.

So yeah. Since I got back to Singapore, I've been working non stop. First day (Wednesday), woke up at 1. I wouldn't call it a jetlag, cos it's normal for me to wake up at that time. Did my quote morning unquote routine, and had my quiet time. Within a few days, I must finish something worth of a few weeks work. I mean, I need a miracle.

At times like these, I naturally draw closer to God. I kept getting verses like Jeremiah 17:7-8,

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”

I know I need to sit on my table and start doing work, but in all that, my trust is in The Lord. I won't put my confidence in myself, or my skills and experience, but in the Lord. Asking Him for wisdom and strength, that whatever I do, whatever idea that comes to mind, is all from Him and He's in control. 

I remind myself of that everyday before doing my work.

So after my quiet time, I would either take a shower do get going with my work immediately, and bathe somewhere near evening. 

Lunch and dinner was my only break, and I would watch Running Man while eating.

I get easily distracted while working. I can't just do work. Although it's interesting, it's boring at the same time, if I make any sense. So I have a small space on my screen for youtube videos to play. Usually Clothes Encounters. I've watched all her videos, and rewatching them all over again. That's how much I like Jenn Im.

On Wednesday, I slept at 5 and woke up at 10, which was quite early. I planned to wake up at 8 but that was a fail. Still, only 5 hours of sleep. Second day goes the same: morning routine, quite time, work. Slept at 6 am with my eyes hurting. Stared at the screen for over 10 hours, maybe more.

I planned to wake up at 9 on Friday, and had this crazy nightmare where I woke up at 7 pm. I cried in my dream, and thanked God with all my might when I woke up. That was a bad bad dream, in this situation where time is really precious.

So in the end I woke up at 11, which makes it another 5 hours. BUT, slept again from 3 to 5. Couldn't help it man, was so sleepy. The fact that I can wake up early already is a celebratory event. PTL!

So, Thursday slept at 6 again. With a hurting eyes again. Friday woke up at 12. Again with the routine, and slept at 8.30 am the next morning. I frikkin watched the sun rise, which I HATE. I like sleeping when it's dark. I tried to sleep at 6 am as usual, but my eyes was hurting so bad I needed to put an ice pack on it, and the coldness of the ice pack prevented me from sleeping. So yeah, slept in broad daylight and woke up at 12+ today. Routine as usual, and now about to go to bed. Miraculously my eyes isn't hurting now. That's some good news, I've been staring at the screen for like, 15 hours?

Tomorrow will go to school and print and set up all that needs to be set up. Finally I can sleep tomorrow.