Day 17 - Your highs and lows this past year


I'm baaaack and freeee!!!!

It's been a crazy week working for my assessment, being sleep deprived and all, but it's all over now! Just waiting for the results, trusting God..

So I thought I'll continue the 30 days challenge!

I don't know what the question means, whether it's about me feeling high and low, or the actual situation around me. But i'll just get on with it anyway.

1. TRANSMISSION: Kaleidoscope
I would say this is a high and low. It's a high because I got to experience a lot of new stuff, got my work exhibited, got to know a lot of new people in the industry.. But at the same time, experiencing all that maybe too overwhelming for me.. It's like I've been in my school walls all along, not knowing what is out there. And once I found out how much bigger it actually is, honestly my confidence is crushed, which makes it a low. But it's not all bad, for I learn of humility and putting my trust and confidence in The Lord instead of myself!

2. Going to the UK
A definite high. One of my best experiences in life so far.

Honestly I can't think of anything else. I guess those two was the highlight of this year. I mean, I did turn 21, I graduated and got my diploma.. But they just don't stand out in my mind, it leaves no deep impression..

I can't think of anything bad as well.. And I'm grateful for that. I'd rather my mind not be filled with things I'd better off not remembering. I know it's human tendency to remember all the negative stuff rather than the positive, so me being unable to remember much of any negatives is a good thing. It's a God thing.

So praise The Lord and see you around!! :D