UK Haul [Video], Part 1

So I shopped a lot while I was in The UK. I wanted to blog a post about all the stuff I bought, but the thought of having to take pictures of all of them, and typing to explain each of them.. I cowardly backed off..

.. and thought I might just do a video of it! :D Since talking is less time consuming than typing..

It takes a lot of courage, it's like putting your self out there.. And it's awkward sitting alone in your room, talking to a camera.. And having your aunt and cousin walking around while I was filming myself in the balcony.. (you'll get it once you watch the vid)

I tried to make it as short and snappy as possible, but still ended up with a 10 minute video. And this is part 1 out of like, 4 or 5..

I hope you don't get bored, and are able to hear what I'm saying.. Cos I feel I kinda mumble a little when I speak.. Maybe my two front teeth are too big..

Anyway, here it is! Enjoy!!

Anyway, thanks for dropping by! Have a good day!