50 people!


In a night, my pageview goes from 91 (I knoww.. pathetic right -,-) to 140. When it has been around 90 ish for like, weeks? This is exponential growth, people.

I guess that's thanks to my tumblr post, stating the existence of this blog?

Anyway, readers, thanks for reading! :)

So, what's up with the name of the blog? 'Like an Avalanche'?
It's from Hillsong's song.

Verse 1
Beautiful God
Laying Your majesty aside
You reached out in love to show me life
Lifted from darkness into light

Verse 2
King for a slave
Trading Your righteousness for shame
Despite all my pride and foolish ways
Caught in Your infinite embrace

Chorus 1
And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compares to this love love love
Burning in my heart

Verse 3:
Saviour and Friend
Breathing Your life into my heart
Your word is the lamp unto my path
Forever I'm humbled by Your love

Take my life
Take all that I am
With all that I am I will love You
Take my heart
Take all that I have
Jesus how I adore You

Chorus 2
And I find myself here on my knees again
Caught up in grace like an avalanche
Nothing compare to this love love love

And what is an avalanche?
av·a·lanche  (v-lnch)
1. A fall or slide of a large mass, as of snow or rock, down a mountainside.
2. A massive or overwhelming amount; a flood: received an avalanche of mail.
v. av·a·lanchedav·a·lanch·ingav·a·lanch·es
To fall or slide in a massive or overwhelming amount.
To overwhelm; inundate.

"Caught up in grace like an avalanche." Isn't that just beautiful? His grace is all over me, not just there, but going full force over me (and you!) that it's overwhelming, more than what we can comprehend. I think that's beautiful :)

I think I have lots to share, but I need to do my work.

So see yaw!!

PS: If by any chance in the universe Jeremy Lin would read this, do get well soon!!! And I hope one day we can meet and be friends :D