
In probably half an hour, my aunt will be awake. Oh wait, she's not here. So I guess I'll be safe?
It feels very weird when she's awake and ready for the day while I was just about to end mine.

Spent the day doing my FYP as usual.. Got a few pages done, I really hope I can finish by tomorrow.. And with both InDesign and Photoshop running, battery's running down pretty fast.

*quitting them*

I'm missing my family.

Argh.. When a post is titled with what time it was, you outta know I have nothing to write.

Lately, I have been marathoning Glee and Gossip Girl while doing my work. It will be super boring if not. Its not slacking, just needed something to listen to. Sometimes I listen to sermons too.

Watching Glee and Gossip Girl somehow makes me think about relationships.
Having a guy to like.. Geez, that was so long ago for me. Lately what's occupying my mind was work work work school school school.
And having the guy like you back.. How long has it been? 4 years?
Liking someone is a beautiful feeling, I think. You get all blushy and happy and nervous. And it always brings me back to my sec school period, when I first had a mutual feeling with a guy..

Gosh that was ages ago!!


Two thousand years ago The Love of my life rose from the grave to save all of us :)

And yeah, the first time I fell in love with Jesus, I had that feeling too. It was almost like a crush. It's beautiful.

So.. off to bed now! Byebye!