
Was just arranging my posts. Turns out Blogger has this thing called "Label", which was somehow workable into creating this post-categorizing thing.

Which kinda helps I guess.. It separates my posts for my readers. My faithful (plus minus sign) 30 readers who somehow kept reading the posts I did not share. Thank you so much!

I haven't been writing a lot since I started working. But the passion is coming back, so I do hope I'll be writing more. There's a lot of stuff in my head.

It seems that my life is starting to stir up.

I got my first freelance job as an Illustrator just out of nowhere (thanks Vina!) and I really enjoyed it!

Working on my website, which sadly still has no content in it since I haven't been drawing much for 4 years.

Planning to join this award thing with my friends. Hope that works out.

That door seems to be creaking open just a bit.

And no romance whatsoever.

Now, I really really want a caucasian partner. If I do not manage to get one, I think I'll be wondering for the rest of my life how dating a caucasian would be like. So Daddy please PLEASE, make my other half a caucasian. Either that or Jeremy Lin (yes still in deep love with him).

So good night good people! See you!