The United Kingdom part 4 | St. Brides Library

Hello there! Long time no see! So lets comtinue!

So after the whole class gathered, we started moving to St. Bride's library.

Chill officers.

Some pretty classic alley! Love.


The library was pretty hidden. We needed to climb narrow stairs that opened up to this yard, where the library was. There were cafes in the narrow alley and even beside the staircases. Someone was having a party that day. So classic and pretty!

St. Brides itself was an old library, brimming with history and culture. They are famous for their typography legacy.

So we were gathered in this one huge room. Took pics while waiting.

We were divided into 2 groups. My group went to this old typography workshop full of ancient printing tools and early machines.

That dome on the bottom was used to print newspapers. 

One of the early mass printing machine.

Each one of the blocks consists of a letter.

Arrange them like this to get a sentence. 

Bars of metal to hold the whole thing in place.

Early Columbian printing machine.

Another machine. I forgot what these are for.

Forgot what this was for as well. Hahaha

The guy that brought us around. Forgot his name.

Apparently our group finished first. So we went to the toilet.

THREE locks. Safety while doing your business guaranteed!


One joined.

The room in front of the Ladies'.

Love the color!

Back in the hall, they served us with tea. Experiencing the authentic England tea break!

Look at that color!

After the break, our group went to other parts of the library.

Some other old guy giving us instructions.

A long complicated journey through the nooks
and crannies of an old building!

Gathered to another room.

I think he was showing us some early typography. Argh memory.

He brought us into this room. Now this room is very special. It was made to stand a fire. So in case a fire breaks out, the items in this room will be kept safe. So what's in there must be pretty important.

Safe kept artifacts!

In front of the window, on a desk, was this book.
Reminds me of some magic spell book you see on fantasy movies.

Isn't this beeeeeautiful?

We left the room and the old mister showed us some more stuff.

Hieroglyphs (?)

THE original British road sign.

The last shot before we left the room.

Nokia produced desktops.

Please forgive me. I completely forgot what are those boxes.

Hey Mister!

What are yous?

And so apparently that was the last picture I took at St. Brides Library.

So after St. Brides, we went our own ways with our own groups. Our group wanted to visit the London Bridge, but they say it's prettier at night, so we went around town to wait until the sun sets!

So stay tuned for the next episode!

Byee! :D