[illustration] Do not trust.

This piece is inspired by Proverbs 3:5.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"

The MSG version puts it in a cooler way. "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own."

Doesn't this one verse set you free? Well it definitely set me free, especially in the area of getting what I do or do not deserve.

We were thought all our lives, one plus one equals two. Too much fat will increase weight. Lack of experience means less pay. Bad first impression means unsalvageable relationship.

I'm not implying that all those are wrong. It's just that we have a third and most important variable here, which (or who) is GOD. He just interferes with what we think is natural, defies all logic, and delivers results often times beyond our reasoning.

Who would've thought water could turn into wine? He bypasses the time needed to turn grapes into wine. Yet, in the first place, water and grapes are universes apart. One cannot turn into the other. (John 2:1-11)

Who could've explained how the blind could see by putting dirt (which theoretically would make you even blinder) onto the eyes? (John 9:1-41)

Or how the dead be brought back to life? (John 11:1-44)
Or how nature would listen to the words of a young carpenter? (Mark 4:35-41)
Or how He would transform a few tough rough fishermen, tax collectors, Christian TORTURER and MURDERER and men of them sorts into Spirit filled, wise, and brave apostles, spreading the gospel that we live by today?

Or how He has bought you from where you were to where you are now?

We've seen all over the bible that He defies natural understanding.

Inexperienced? You have Jesus.
Awkward first meeting? You have Jesus.
Boss just scolded you? You have Jesus.
Bad scores? You have Jesus. Your future is not doomed.
Bad breath? You have Jesus. She might not even smelled it at all.
Chubby? You have Jesus. He might prefer them curves!

So, use your brain, but don't trust it completely.
Jesus might just prove you wrong.


Illustration wise.

I've never really used watercolor before, though I've always liked it. I think I was too lazy to get the papers and stuff. Even this one isn't done on proper water color paper.

I figured I have a job, so I have nothing to lose now. I'll just draw what I want.