Yes, I'm still alive. Ha!
I was going to sleep last night, and this was the second big revelation (that I remembered) I had before dozing off.
First one was blogged here.
So I was laying there and tuning on to Him, and it dawned on me that I am going to heaven one day, and I will get to see the real Jesus face to face!
I'll get to see Abraham and Moses and David and Joseph and John the apostle (which by the way is my number 2 favorite guy in the Bible after God (= Jesus)), and oh the questions I would ask!
Was it hard believing that you'll be the father of this much people?
Have you ever thought that God Himself would be born into the world as one of your 'descendant'?
How was it like talking to God face to face? Moreover as a friend!
Why didn't you go down to one person when you bargained with God for Sodom and Gomorrah? But then it wouldn't be cool. We had another version of sin city in my days. It's called Vegas.
How did you feel when you're about to part the Red Sea? Well technically God did it, but still..
Was there any doubt at all?
How did you feel when you're unable to enter Canaan? Frustrated?
Can't believe you spent 40 years in the wilderness. By the way, I've always held on to your life story. Living till 120, eyes not growing dim nor strength abated and stuff. Yeah, man.
Why did you choose 5 stones? Did you know at all it's the number of grace?
So do you envy me, the one who lives in the grace generation? (Teehee) Quoting your words, "one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered"? :D
HOW COULD YOU MARRY SO MANY WOMAN? Walao. I'm glad playboys at your caliber don't exist anymore in my days.
But you were pretty cool. Your Psalms had serenaded my days. One of my favorite books in the Bible. Do you even know what a Bible is? Do they update you here in heaven?
Did you know that you will be typified as Yeshuah Himself? Or that your life story is modeled according to how His would be?
Have you ever thought that the name of your little brother will be used to mark a generation? The one I was living in?
Have you ever questioned God why all those happened to you? You did nothing to deserve that. Have you ever felt that way? Well we know now that the story ended pretty well, but you didn't at that point right?
By the way. My dad has the same name as yours. And so is that one preacher who basically changed my life.
Wasn't it awkward, leaning onto Jesus' bosom? Was it a trend that day? Cos it would've been super weird in my days.
It must be awesome, living with Jesus like that! You're kind of the quiet one. Which I can relate to.
You're my favorite apostle by the way. More than that seemingly more famous Peter. Though it's pretty cool that he walked on water. In fact. I'm gonna go find him now.
And then, I'll meet Jesus Himself.
Oh my God.
Will it be like a "FINALLY" moment? Gosh I'll run and hug Him. Maybe I'll cry.
To see Him with my own two eyeballs, to see what He really looks like.. Wow.
We'll see how close He is to the illustration and movies we have now.
So I was just laying there with all these running through my head. It made me so excited. I was smiling to sleep.
It was pretty awesome :)
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